As you probably know, Oracle 10g XE database does not provide the utl_mail package. So, in order to send e-mails from the database, you would have to use utl_smtp and write your own mail package. I found various solutions on the web but I had a major problem. Greek language in the mail subject and text. So I have made some adaptations to the code to support UTF-8 'message' and 'subject' text.
There are two procedures in the package, 'mail' for regular e-mail and 'mail_att' for attaching a file to the e-mail. Note that you have to change the package parameters according to your domain, sender, etc. and create a database directory (in my case, 'MY_DATABASE_DIR') where the file to be attached is residing.
Also, execution grants to the database user are needed: for package 'utl_smtp', 'utl_file', read and write permissions for the database directory and in case you are using Linux, the file to be attached must have 777 permissions and belong to 'oracle:dba'.
create or replace package mail_pkg is g_smtp_host varchar2 (256) := 'localhost'; g_smtp_port pls_integer := 1925; g_smtp_domain varchar2 (256) := ''; g_sender varchar2(256) := ''; g_passwd varchar2(256) := 'yourpassword'; g_mailer_id constant varchar2 (256) := 'Mailer by Oracle UTL_SMTP'; -- send mail using UTL_SMTP procedure mail (p_recipient in varchar2, p_subject in varchar2, p_message in varchar2); procedure mail_att (p_recipient in varchar2, p_subject in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2 ); end; / create or replace package body mail_pkg is procedure write_mime_header (p_conn in out nocopy utl_smtp.connection, p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2) is begin utl_smtp.write_data ( p_conn, p_name || ': ' || p_value || utl_tcp.crlf); end write_mime_header; procedure mail (p_recipient in varchar2, p_subject in varchar2, p_message in varchar2) is l_conn utl_smtp.connection; nls_charset varchar2(255) := 'AL32UTF8'; begin -- establish connection and autheticate l_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection (g_smtp_host, g_smtp_port); utl_smtp.ehlo(l_conn, g_smtp_domain); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'auth login'); utl_smtp.command(l_conn,utl_encode.text_encode(g_sender, nls_charset, 1)); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, utl_encode.text_encode(g_passwd, nls_charset, 1)); -- set from/recipient utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'MAIL FROM: <'||g_sender||'>'); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'RCPT TO: <'||p_recipient||'>'); -- write mime headers utl_smtp.open_data (l_conn); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'From', g_sender); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'To', p_recipient); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?' || replace(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_subject))), '=' || chr(13) || chr(10), '') || '?=' || utl_tcp.crlf); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable '|| utl_tcp.crlf); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'X-Mailer', g_mailer_id); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, utl_tcp.crlf); -- write message body utl_smtp.write_raw_data (l_conn, utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_message))); utl_smtp.close_data (l_conn); -- end connection utl_smtp.quit (l_conn); exception when others then begin utl_smtp.quit(l_conn); exception when others then null; end; raise_application_error(-20000,'Failed to send mail due to the following error: ' || sqlerrm); end mail; procedure mail_att (p_recipient in varchar2, p_subject in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2 ) is l_conn utl_smtp.connection; l_file_handle utl_file.file_type; l_filename varchar2(1000); l_line varchar2(1000); l_mesg varchar2(32767); nls_charset varchar2(255) := 'AL32UTF8'; begin -- establish connection and autheticate l_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection (g_smtp_host, g_smtp_port); utl_smtp.ehlo(l_conn, g_smtp_domain); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'auth login'); utl_smtp.command(l_conn,utl_encode.text_encode(g_sender, nls_charset, 1)); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, utl_encode.text_encode(g_passwd, nls_charset, 1)); -- set from/recipient utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'MAIL FROM: <'||g_sender||'>'); utl_smtp.command(l_conn, 'RCPT TO: <'||p_recipient||'>'); -- write mime headers utl_smtp.open_data (l_conn); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'From', g_sender); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'To', p_recipient); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?' || replace(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_subject))), '=' || chr(13) || chr(10), '') || '?=' || utl_tcp.crlf); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'Content-Type', 'multipart/mixed; boundary="DMW.Boundary.605592468"'); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, 'mime message content'||utl_tcp.crlf); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, '--DMW.Boundary.605592468'||utl_tcp.crlf); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable '|| utl_tcp.crlf); write_mime_header (l_conn, 'X-Mailer', g_mailer_id); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, utl_tcp.crlf); -- write message body utl_smtp.write_raw_data (l_conn, utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_message))); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, utl_tcp.crlf); -- write attachment l_file_handle := utl_file.fopen('MY_DATABASE_DIR', l_filename, 'R'); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, '--DMW.Boundary.605592468'||utl_tcp.crlf); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="'||l_filename||'"'||utl_tcp.crlf); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||l_filename||'"'||utl_tcp.crlf); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'||utl_tcp.crlf); utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, utl_tcp.crlf); begin loop utl_file.get_line(l_file_handle, l_line); utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, l_line||utl_tcp.crlf); end loop; exception when no_data_found then null; end; utl_smtp.write_data (l_conn, utl_tcp.crlf); utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle); -- end connection utl_smtp.close_data (l_conn); utl_smtp.quit (l_conn); exception when others then begin utl_smtp.quit(l_conn); exception when others then null; end; raise_application_error(-20000,'Failed to send mail due to the following error: ' || sqlerrm); end mail_att; end;