This is very serious. Came up during the Christmas holidays and affects Oracle Weblogic Servers.

See here.

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This article explains how I overcame the compiler crash, of fileinfo module, while compiling PHP 7.1.12 from source on an armv7l board.

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Started evaluating the performance of a production system as a new project we undertook. APEX pages were slow to load, responsiveness was also slow. After some research, we found out that WWV_FLOW_DATA table had 732 million rows and WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$ had 193 million rows (APEX_040200 schema). The cause: someone had droppped the scheduled job ORACLE_APEX_PURGE_SESSIONS!

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As you probably know, Oracle 10g XE database does not provide the utl_mail package. So, in order to send e-mails from the database, you would have to use utl_smtp and write your own mail package. I found various solutions on the web but I had a major problem. Greek language in the mail subject and text. So I have made some adaptations to the code to support UTF-8 'message' and 'subject' text. Add a comment

In order for Oracle APEX Flash Charts to work, you would need a crossdomain.xml file placed in the root folder of your virtualhost.

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""> 
<allow-access-from domain="*" /> 

For more details on how to have a stricter crossdomain policy, visit Adobe Developer Site .

But when you are using Apache2 as a reverse proxy, you could be having another problem.

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