• Oracle APEX 4 and Flash Charts

    In order for Oracle APEX Flash Charts to work, you would need a crossdomain.xml file placed in the root folder of your virtualhost.

    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd"> 
    <allow-access-from domain="*" /> 

    For more details on how to have a stricter crossdomain policy, visit Adobe Developer Site .

    But when you are using Apache2 as a reverse proxy, you could be having another problem.

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  • Oracle APEX 4 - Problems with WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$ and WWV_FLOW_DATA

    Started evaluating the performance of a production system as a new project we undertook. APEX pages were slow to load, responsiveness was also slow. After some research, we found out that WWV_FLOW_DATA table had 732 million rows and WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$ had 193 million rows (APEX_040200 schema). The cause: someone had droppped the scheduled job ORACLE_APEX_PURGE_SESSIONS!

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  • Oracle Apex 4, Oracle 10g XE, Apache 2 configuration

    There are multiple articles on the web about how to configure Oracle Apex 4 on Oracle 10g XE and Apache2. The basic setup that is you use the Apache2 as a Proxy to serve the Oracle EPG Gateway pages, compressing text with mod_deflate, setting expiry headers for images with mod_expires and restricting access to APEX administration using mod_rewrite.

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